Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Adoption and Fostering Links: August 2014

Heather and I hope that this blog has been a source of encouragement and inspiration for our readers. The primary goal is to share our foster care journey with others and hopefully challenge those in our sphere of influence to think about taking an active role in caring for orphans (whether that means supporting people who adopt/foster or by adopting/fostering children themselves). There are tons of great and interesting resources out there that have helped shape our understanding of adoption. The following is just a sample of what we've seen.

The Sovereignty of God in Foster Care

I know she will be loved here, cared for here and protected with every ounce of our energy from things that are dangerous, harmful or unhealthy for her. Yet, for all that we may be able to provide, God's ability to be good to her in a difficult environment is far greater than any good we could offer her in a comfortable one. 

This is a beautiful look at how God is still in control, even in the seeming chaos of the foster care system.

A Heart for Adoption: The Ellis' Story

As the Ellises grew together as a family, loving Zoe and Logan like their own, knowing they could still be removed from their care at any point, the question on many minds was: how do you guard your heart?

Mackenzie’s answer is blunt: “God’s been teaching us that you don’t.”

This family was able to adopt two children from the foster care system. The article beautifully reflects some of our feelings, even this early in our journey, about the need for a reckless love that gives everything to a child in need despite the fact that the child might not stay. There is no room for cautious love.

3 Less-Than-Obvious Ways to Care for Widows and Orphans

The church today must continue the strong legacy of adoption that has been established for centuries. Orphans should be taken into Christian homes from every local church. Few actions, if any, better illustrate what God does for us in Jesus than adoption!

But we also live in a world with temporary orphans: boys and girls whose parents are unfit to care for them. Providing a home for an injured or vulnerable child while the state investigates well-being is an incredible ministry. And while the heartache of having needy kids come and go from your home takes an enormous toll on foster families, the impact they make is much greater.

In James 1:27, we read of the need to be advocates for those with great needs in our midst -- particularly orphans and widows. Often foster care is missed as a viable option for caring for "temporary orphans" and I love that Dave Bruskas is making mention of this.

3 Things You Should Know About Foster Care

In the United States, there are roughly 400,000 children in foster care at any given time.

There is a huge need for foster parents in the United States. If you are at all interested in getting involved, or would just like to learn more, Show Hope has some basic information on foster care that you can read.

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