Monday, March 16, 2015

Little Things Monday: Rain Boots Are Not Just For Rain

I think there is a general misunderstanding out there in the big world.

Mostly I hear it from older men and women in the grocery store.

"Where is the rain??" they ask.

"You're all prepared for a big storm!" they say.

I just want to set this straight:

When you're three, a raincoat and rain boots are not necessarily because it is raining.

It is equally valid to wear a raincoat and rain boots because there are puddles out there that are begging to be made into rain by busy preschooler feet.

It is also equally valid to wear a raincoat and rain boots because three-year-olds know that rain coats look cool and mommies know that rain boots are one of the first things toddlers can put on with total independence.

So, without further ado, a little celebration of all the puddle-jumping, raincoat-sporting spring days to come in the next couple of months.

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